
Lesson powerpoint here

Facts about risks and teenagers.

  1. Ask students to make a list of what they think are the top 10 risks to life in their lifestyle/environment.
  2. Show students the slides on the causes of death. Do they think that the causes of death will be different for teenagers?
  3. Show students the slide on the causes of death for teenagers. Why do they think causes of death are different for teenagers and different between boys and girls?

Are humans good at assessing risk?

  1. Get students into pairs and hand out the information on the 10 factors affecting how we judge risk (here and on laminated sheets in WB classroom). Using the information, ask them to answer the 2 questions on the slide: Are humans good at assessing risk? And how can we improve our ability to assess risk?
  2. Are teenagers good at assessing risk? Give students the article on risk and the teenage brain.
  3. How does this change their own attitude to risk? Do they agree or disagree with the article? Does the article fit in with their own experiences?

Case study: James Kingston.

  1. Play students the clip from ‘Don’t Look Down’, the documentary about urban free-climber James Kingston. Ask them to answer the 4 questions on the slide: 1. What does James Kingston say about risk? 2. How do you think he assesses risk? 3. What are the benefits of risk taking for him? 4. What are the costs of risk taking for him?

Risks that healthy people take.

  1. Should we eliminate risk altogether? What would life be like if all risk was removed? What risks should we retain and learn to manage.
  2. Ask students to look at the 10 risks that healthy people take. Do they agree/disagree? What’s missing? What needs to be removed from this list?