Lesson powerpoint here
- Ask pupils what the word consent means (slide on lesson powerpoint, and information on this sheet)
- Ask pupils how consent relates to sex and relationships (slide on lesson powerpoint and information on this sheet).
- Play pupils the ‘tea and consent’ video. Ask them to answer the questions about it on the lesson powerpoint: discuss answers as a class.
- Play ‘Is This Rape Part 1’ up until 7.06 minutes. This clip is from a BBC documentary where a group of teenagers are shown a drama which depicts an alleged sexual assault. It contains scenes which some pupils might find upsetting (please double-check pupil sensitive info before lesson).
- Ask pupils to discuss the question ‘did Gemma consent?’ in small groups: there are some additional questions to help on the lesson powerpoint.
- Feedback discussion points as a class. Perhaps set up a values line, where those who think she consented stand at one end, those who think she didn’t stand at the other and those who are unsure stand in the middle. Ask pupils to change their position in the line if the opinions of others in discussion change their minds.
- Play the rest of ‘Is This Rape Part 1’ where the 16-18 year olds discuss what they think about whether or not Gemma consented. Ask pupils what they think about the opinions expressed. Did their own opinions change as a result of what they heard?
- Play ‘Is This Rape Part 3‘. This is made up of 4 sections: the enactment of the prosecution case against Tom, up to 4 minutes; the teenagers’ discussion of the question ‘was this rape?’ from 4 to 7.25 minutes; the experiences of a victim of a sexual assault from 7.25 up to 13.35 minutes and finally, a lawyer discussing the actual legal position from 13.35 minutes. Play whichever sections of this you think will help the pupils to address the question ‘was Tom guilty of rape?’ There are some bullet points on the lesson powerpoint to help.
- Closing discussion: what ‘golden rules’ do the pupils think they should follow to make sure that there is consent in a sexual relationship?
Prep: For next time: ask students to write down their hopes and fears for relationships and also to think of some questions to ask the married couple who they will be meeting in the next lesson. What do the students want to find out about being in a long-term, committed relationship? This is very important for the next session, which is run by Explore.