Peer Education 2017

Timings and venues:

  26th January 18:05 – 19:00 2nd February 18:05 – 19:00
Costello, Dow, Talwar Anglesey MFL 1 Murray MFL 1
Britz, Brookes, Burke Apsley MFL 2 Orange MFL 2
Bonham-Lloyd, Shaw, Rawding Benson MFL 4 Picton MFL 4
Bridges, Evans, Auersperg-Bruenner Beresford MFL 5 Raglan MFL 5
Hince, Broome, Agostinho-de Castro Blucher MFL 6 Stanley MFL 6
Paisley, Oglesby, Power Combermere MFL 7 Talbot MFL 7
Bonnefoy, Lunnon, Morison Hill MFL 8 Wellesley MFL 8
Chapman, Albrow, Whiteside Hopetoun MFL 9
McClelland, Whiting Lynedoch MFL 10


Lesson Plan:

 1. Intro (5 minutes): 

  • Who we are: names, houses, etc.
  • What we are going to do: e.g. what we will be talking about and why; we aren’t encouraging you to try alcohol but also we aren’t telling you not to try alcohol.
  • Talk about confidentiality – nothing leaves the room, unless causes enough worry of safety/dangerous actions.
  • Do a quick show of hands survey on who’s encountered alcohol before; lead onto to quick discussion about how it will eventually affect everyone.
  • Lead into asch test – ‘we’ve forgotten Board pens’.

2. Asch test (5 – 10 minutes): send a person out to collect board pens. Ask the rest of the group to state, when asked, that the line on the left, is the same length as the longest line.

  • Start by asking if they value honesty and integrity.
  • If they conform: How easily are you affected by the desire to fit in/conform to the group?
  • If they don’t: They haven’t succumbed to the pressure to conform and have stood up for what they know is right and that’s how you should act. How would/could alcohol change this?
  • In general: The experiment demonstrates that  the desire to fit in can be stronger than the desire to do what we know to be right (even the ones who value honesty and integrity can go against this)
  • Peer pressure is a psychological/mental phenomenon that is very subtle and comes from inside.
  • If they don’t want to drink that’s okay even a group of drinkers.
  • Veggie analogy ( a vegetarian wouldn’t not be invited to a meal on the basis that they didn’t eat meat so why should not drinking be excluded) phrase as a question and ask if you would insist that they eat meat?
  • Genuinely it isn’t cooler or better to conform, even if it seems like that at the time. They should think about their own values and how they should stand up for what they believe  (i.e if the lines aren’t the same they aren’t the same).
  1. Kahoot (15 minutes)

Q1: For a week this is the recommended amount by the NHS to stay healthy.

Q2: See slide.

Q3: A depressant slows down your reaction time. This is why you can’t drive whilst under the influence of alcohol. This is the opposite of a stimulant i.e caffeine, which speeds you up.

Q4: A 175ml glass of wine, or a 25ml shot of spirits is equal to 1 unit.

Q5: In a pub/restaurant if you are 16 or 17 and are eating a meal and with someone 18+ you can have glass of wine/ pint of beer/cider. If you are out on your own you have to be 18 or over.

Q6: A legal high is a substance with stimulant or mood-altering properties.They used to be legal.

Q7: Ketamine is Class C. Weed is Class B. Cocaine and MDMA are class A.

Q8: Some people will be able to drink more than you, regardless of gender, age and size. Remember never to compete with someone else.

Q9: Red wine is usually between 13% – 14%. White wine is between 10% – 13%.

Q10: Smoking related deaths = 96,000 people/year. Smoking can be addictive and has many negative impacts.

Q11: You still realize the consequences you just don’t think they are as bad. (You care less). This can result in dangerous/rude behaviour and actions that you will regret when sober. A lot of rape cases and sexual assault cases often involve the perpetrators and victims having consumed alcohol.  (This doesn’t mean the victim is ever to blame).

Q12: The number of people consuming illegal drugs is declining. Not many people take drugs – you are not the only one.

Q13: This number is also declining.

Q14: Make sure they are in the recovery position first. Then call for help. You will not be in trouble for calling 999, even if you are drunk and underage. They want to help, so don’t hesitate. Parents are more accepting than you think and they will know what to do.

Q15: Binge drinking is consuming an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. 5 or more drinks in 2 hours for a man: 4 or more drinks in 2 hours for a woman.

  1. Facts (10 minutes)
  • How alcohol affects the brain and judgement
  • Prefrontal cortex – controls decision making and inhibitions (being self-conscious). Alcohol disrupts normal functions of the PFC. You are less self-conscious (big reason people drink) – but more likely to say something socially unacceptable.
  • Your judgement is altered – you can still understand the consequences of your actions, you just don’t care as much (e.g. you know it’s not safe to cross a busy road when drunk but you don’t care).
  • You are less sensitive to social situations (e.g. you are less able to recognise facial expressions such as when somebody is upset/not consenting).
  • Medulla – controls breathing, consciousness and body temperature.
  • While your breathing slows down, you can easily get cold and possibly lose consciousness in extreme situations.
  • Binge drinking definition: “the practice of consuming large quantities of alcohol in a single session”: 5 or more drinks in 2 hours for a man: 4 or more drinks in 2 hours for a woman.
  1. Scenarios/emergency script (15 minutes)

Scenario 1

  • Get them to a bed/bathroom
  • Put them in the recovery position
  • Try and give them water, don’t force them
  • Be by bucket or toilet
  • Don’t be afraid to call an adult, you won’t be punished (in a hospital)

Scenario 2

  • Identify what they have taken and how much
  • Stay with them and wait for the high to wear off
  • Don’t give them too much water as they might drown
  • Keep them away from potentially dangerous things
  • Being high isn’t illegal, so if it becomes problematic then take them to A&E

Scenario 3

  • Stop drinking
  • Stay calm
  • Tell your friends
  • Don’t freak out
  • Get water and food
  • Always stay with the group, don’t talk to strangers

Scenario 4

  • Try to avoid drunk texting your parents
  • Don’t be afraid to get them involved
  • They’ll always help you

Scenario 5

  • Reply best you can